Reserve the Blue is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing police-community relations nationwide through various programs and initiatives.

Why Reserve The Blue is Different: A Commitment to Reform and Collaboration

At Reserve The Blue, we aim to redefine what it means to support law enforcement. While movements like Back The Blue and Blue Lives Matter advocate for backing police officers, Reserve The Blue goes a step further by focusing on reform, accountability, and community engagement. Our goal is to create a law enforcement system that is truly worthy of community trust, where police officers and community members are both respected and held accountable.

Back The Blue

Back The Blue is primarily focused on showing solidarity with police officers. It emphasizes supporting law enforcement in times of public scrutiny but does not always address critical issues like police misconduct or racial injustice.

  • Support without Reform: The movement often focuses solely on backing officers, rather than examining the systemic issues within law enforcement.

Blue Lives Matter

Similar to Back The Blue, Blue Lives Matter focuses on the protection of police officers, but it has been criticized for downplaying important conversations about police brutality, racial profiling, and the lack of accountability in law enforcement.

  • Missed Opportunity for Reform: The movement, while well-intentioned, does not directly address how law enforcement practices can be improved or how systemic issues, such as racial profiling, should be confronted.

Reserve The Blue’s Approach

At Reserve The Blue, we reserve our support for law enforcement that is committed to accountability and community safety. We believe in holding officers accountable for misconduct, empowering communities to engage with law enforcement, and reforming practices that are harmful to marginalized groups.

  • True Support for Law Enforcement: Reserve The Blue advocates for a holistic approach to policing, where law enforcement agencies are reformed to serve the public with fairness, transparency, and integrity.

  • Building Bridges, Not Divides: Unlike Back The Blue and Blue Lives Matter, which can often create a divide, Reserve The Blue works to bring people together through community dialogue and collaborative reform.


Reserve The Blue is committed to empowering communities and supporting law enforcement through accountability and reform. Our goal is to create a policing system that works for everyone—officers and civilians alike—through mutual respect, training, and positive engagement.


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